
For all professional inquiries regarding voice acting and convention appearances, please contact:


Arlene Thornton & Associates

818 – 760 – 6688


12711 Ventura, Blvd. Suite 490
Studio City, CA 91604


For fanmail, please use the form below.

NOTE: Due to my busy schedule, I am unable respond to fanmail. I hope to have a forum on this site in the near future where I can hold larger discussions. Thanks for your understanding.
Please do not send items to me in the mail to autograph. I cannot be responsible for your merchandise.

Also, please do not ask for autographed pictures of me. I do not use physical pictures as a voice actor and so have none to send.

I am happy to autograph items at conventions. If you would like me to sign your merchandise please visit me at a convention. Thank you for your understanding.

NOTE: I often receive requests from young people who are researching a voice acting career and are encouraged by their teachers to contact me with questions about what it’s like to work as a voice actor. Due to the high volume of these letters that I receive, I cannot possibly answer them all.

If your teacher or career counsellor has asked you to write to me with questions about pursuing a voice acting career, I’m sorry that I do not have time to respond to your correspondence personally.

Instead, please listen to my Voice Acting Mastery Podcast. I have included all the information you are looking for in the podcast.

I hope you find it useful.


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